• What is the overall mission of the TECA PTA?
OUR MISSION is to support the education of children at TECA by:
1. Fostering relationships among the school administration, families and teachers
2. Fundraising to provide enrichment activities and needed programs and resources
• How does the PTA support the TECA Community?
In recent years, our PTA’s fundraising efforts have supported multiple exciting endeavors:
Outdoor Education: The PTA funded the garden and the gardening program, in which children from TK-5 follow next generation science standards and learn about our natural environment every two weeks.
Field of Dreams: Along with our partners at America Scores, we funded and built a soccer pitch in our concrete schoolyard. The field is accessible to all students.
Fiesta de BiblioTECA: With proceeds from our very first annual Spring Social & Silent Auction, we helped fund TECA’s new school library.
Community Events: Parent/caregiver participation has brought memorable school events to life, such as Fall Fiesta, Science Night, and Read-a-Thon —in which TECA students read for 300,000 minutes last year!
• What level of involvement is required to participate in the PTA?
For the PTA to be effective and truly representative of the school, everyone’s participation is essential. Some parents feel that they can’t participate in the PTA because they can’t come to meetings or be at the school during the day. We want everyone to feel included in the TECA community.
Whether you have 30 minutes or a couple hours per month, your ideas, your talents, and your voice are truly needed. We can match your time constraints and interests to available tasks. There are endless possibilities in ways you can help!
Keep in mind that by joining the PTA, you will get to enjoy interacting with the children, become friends with other parents, and accomplish things that truly make a difference.
• What is the PTA's fundraising goal?
For the academic year 2019-2020 we set a modest annual fundraising goal of $30,000, and appreciate your individual annual contribution of either 20 volunteering hours or more, or $50 or more. It takes a village to succeed, and we invite you to become involved in whatever way you can.
If you would like to learn more about the PTA, or would like to join please contact the
PTA President - Carolina Ramirez at, or look around
We look forward to meeting you in person at our social and fundraising events!