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Muchas gracias a todos quienes participaron en Fall Fiesta el pasado Sábado. Muchas gracias a los voluntarios que ayudaron con la planeación, con turnos en las diferentes actividades y estaciones, a los cocineros y cocineras, y a quienes donaron o prestaron articulos y comidas o bebidas!

El evento fue todo un éxito gracias a su asistencia y participación. No sólo cubrimos los costos, sino que recaudamos casi $500 más en ventas de comida y donaciones. Adicionalmente la rifa para el programa del paseo de 5to Grado recuadó $685!

Para ver fotos del evento siga este enlace o este otro.

De nuevo muchas gracias TECA!

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Thank you to all of you who participated in Fall Fiesta this past Saturday. Thanks to the volunteers who helped with the planning and logistics, with shifts at the different activities and stations, to the cooks, and to those who lent us or donated items or food/beverages to sell!

The event was a success thanks to all of your support. We covered all costs and even made a profit of almost $500 in food sales and donations. Additionally we raised $685 in the raffle that benefits the Outdoor Education field trip for the 5th graders.

To see photos of the event please go here or here.

Thanks again TECA!

Updated: Aug 28, 2019

Hey everyone,

Welcome back to the 2019-2020 school year. We're very excited to kick off the year with our first PTA General Meeting on Tuesday, September 2 from 8:30 am - 9:30 am.

Come and meet other members of the TECA community and learn about our enrichment goals for the upcoming year.

If you can't make it at this time, please know that every month we alternate between morning and evening meetings so that hopefully you can make it to one. If you can't make it, but would still like to get to know us, you can always reach out and say hello.

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