Announcing the New TECA PTA Website!
The Thomas Edison Charter Academy Parent Teacher Association is excited to share our new PTA website!
At, we hope to provide parents, teachers and students with up to date and relevant information about what is happening around Thomas Edison Charter Academy, and how you might be able to get involved.
It Takes a Village...
We've all heard the saying "it takes a village to raise a child." The Parent Teacher Association is hard at work to strengthen our village through the continued support of all members of our community.
Whether we are organizing the upcoming Read-a-thon, or spearheading efforts to build an outdoor classroom so our students can learn about science and nature first-hand, we are always looking for volunteers and support.
Get Involved and Help Our Children Flourish
If you are interested in getting involved with our efforts, head over to our contact page and reach out to the area you would like to help. Together, we can achieve greatness.